Michio Wakamatsu's profile

19xx.4.20 Born in Sapporo city, Hokkaido Japan.
          Used be fond of drawing and construction. 
           I thought I should be concentrated in my work in school or in office, so I sealed 
           the drawing hobby, seldom drew or painted for 30 years.
1988.4. Had a traffic accident and broke his right knee, was kept in hospital for a month.
      Began drawing to kill the time in hospital.
      After came back work often sketched wild flowers, many portraits of his colleagues at work.
1991.1.  Joined to make a painting circle in his housing complex. 
         The sketch circle meets to paint figures every month scince then.
1993.12 Was asked to teach botanical painting by a nature watching circle at work.
         Now teaches botanical painting or water color painting at five places. 
1996.5 First solo exhibition was held. Led botanical painting group exhibitions several times a year.
        Often participates in the public painting exhibition. 
1997.1 His web site was established.
        Sells his botanical painting post cards printed by his pc printer at several shops
        and at his web site.

 one chapter of "Alive water color painting 6th" by Nichibou press

 "Hobby person's coloring paper"
by Dia press

 "Hobby person's coloring paper of landscapes"
by Dia press

 "Grown up's coloring paper" by Daiso Sangyo


"How to mix water colors for painting flowers and fruits"

by Nichibou press

 "How to sketch from A" by Daiso Sangyo
